Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Scattered Data Forms.

Here is the link to my original form
here is the link to my google spreadsheet. Earlier, I sent a form to my math class asking two questions. What family will you see for Christmas and how many letters are in your middle name. The spreadsheet has my data and a scatterplot on it. The two questions have absolutely no correlation.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Let's go Shopping

I created a google spreadsheet with the prices of a tabet computer, a 4th generation Ipod touch, computer case, Ipod case, Flip camera, and a Digital camera. The budget was $1,500 dollars and i used $1,055.63 dollars. The websites where you can find these idems are hyperlinked from the spreadsheet. You can access the spreadsheet here.

1st Trimester Reflections

1.  What is one thing that you are proud of so far this year in math?
My grade and the effort that I put in to my homework and test to get that grade. 

2.  What is one thing you wished you had done better on?
Getting my homework notebook signed.

3.  Has Algebra been a challenge for you so far this year?  If yes, please list some topics that challenged you.
Algebra has been a challenge in the fact that i am learning new things. No topic has really challenged me besides mixture problems when i was first learning them.

4.  List the topics in Algebra that you feel that you have mastered so far this year.
Multi-step equations, mixtures, dilations (and the other stuff on the graphs - transformation, reflection ect.), mappings, and representing an equation on a graph.

5.  Pick two goals for the 2nd trimester.  Then tell how you will accomplish these two goals.
I hope to get better original grades on my homework so that I can learn to be less dependent on corrections. I will accomplish this goal by spending more time on my homework. My 2nd goal is to be able to use math counts i my math homewok and regular class time. I will do this by working hard in math counts and learning all that i can to help me for later on.

Service Learning and Math

1.  What is your social issue that is being addressed in your service learning?
Their social issue is that every student in KIPP has a very high risk of being a High School drop out. KIPP helps them by giving them more work and catching them up to the average child's standards.

2.  Where do you go for service learning?
The Rankey Koinonia goes to the KIPP school and plays games and does art projects with the students because they do not have a single exploratory. We get to relate and talk to these students about sports, school, and anything else you would talk to you best friend about.

3.  How does math relate to what you are learning while doing service?
The drop out rate of the public school students verse the drop out rate at KIPP is definitely math and we also talk about school with them, therefore we sometimes talk about math.

Chapter Four Vocab

This is my chapter four vocab in a google document. The document is Here

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Adding and Subtracting Intergers

So here are some problems-
a) 5 + -8= 5+3=8 so -8+5=-3
b) -4 + 10= 4 is negitive so you do 10-4 and that is 6 so -4 + 10=6
c) 4-9= b/c 9 is more than 4 the answer is negitive, and 4+5=9 so 4-9=-5
d) -8 - (-9)= 1 b/c -8 minus - debt = + so it is 1 b/c 9 is 1 greater than 8.

above are 3 screen shots of 3 different integer games that i played.
here are the links

Chapter 2 Vocab

I made another google doc-this one for chapter 2 vocabulary. Here is the link -

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Spreadsheets in Math

In our class we are using spreadsheets for many different things. They are very helpful because you can have graphs, information, and a bunch of different data on one page. You can also do alot of cool things on it including getting information from google and still being on your same page. It can save you alot of time in everyone of your classes. I made my own spreadsheet for page 56 problems 1-3 -

Monday, August 23, 2010

Post 1: math and web 2.0

Google Docs-
 Google docs is one of the new things that we are using this year in math. We use it to contribute ideas for class, we also use it for getting homework and for turning homework in. Google docs is different from a word document because everyone can contribute to the same document. I made a google doc for vocabulary from Chapter One here is the link-

Google Groups-
Google groups are a group of people with google accounts who get together to form a group. My math class formed one called Orange  and we can see documents such as our homework that only our class can see. It is pretty cool!

Twiducate is a version of twitter but for schools. It lets us talk about ourselves, talk about things before class and about due dates. So far I have shared a math video and website, and said somethings about myself. I think that twiducate is a very easy and convenient way to talk as a math class. It can help a lot when you have questions and people from your class are able to answer them. Here is the link -

I used a website called to create my avatar. My avatar is pretty awesome she is supposed  to look like me but she doesn't at all!!! I would totally recommend this website because it gives you a lot of options. My avatar is below-