Wednesday, November 10, 2010

1st Trimester Reflections

1.  What is one thing that you are proud of so far this year in math?
My grade and the effort that I put in to my homework and test to get that grade. 

2.  What is one thing you wished you had done better on?
Getting my homework notebook signed.

3.  Has Algebra been a challenge for you so far this year?  If yes, please list some topics that challenged you.
Algebra has been a challenge in the fact that i am learning new things. No topic has really challenged me besides mixture problems when i was first learning them.

4.  List the topics in Algebra that you feel that you have mastered so far this year.
Multi-step equations, mixtures, dilations (and the other stuff on the graphs - transformation, reflection ect.), mappings, and representing an equation on a graph.

5.  Pick two goals for the 2nd trimester.  Then tell how you will accomplish these two goals.
I hope to get better original grades on my homework so that I can learn to be less dependent on corrections. I will accomplish this goal by spending more time on my homework. My 2nd goal is to be able to use math counts i my math homewok and regular class time. I will do this by working hard in math counts and learning all that i can to help me for later on.

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