Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Service Learning and Math

1.  What is your social issue that is being addressed in your service learning?
Their social issue is that every student in KIPP has a very high risk of being a High School drop out. KIPP helps them by giving them more work and catching them up to the average child's standards.

2.  Where do you go for service learning?
The Rankey Koinonia goes to the KIPP school and plays games and does art projects with the students because they do not have a single exploratory. We get to relate and talk to these students about sports, school, and anything else you would talk to you best friend about.

3.  How does math relate to what you are learning while doing service?
The drop out rate of the public school students verse the drop out rate at KIPP is definitely math and we also talk about school with them, therefore we sometimes talk about math.

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